Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another day in paradise

Welcome to another beautiful day in AmberLand. Today was a good day, I had a good time at work and got a lot accomplished. Tomorrow I will be able to finish cleaning out the basement. Yay me, lol. Right now I am listening to some music and wishing inspiration would hit. I am also trying to make a decision about perhaps putting a story that I am writing on here...*ponders*
So enough of that, I am all kinds of psyched up, next week my hubby, in-laws, and I are going on vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. Thank God for a week off.
OMG! I found the cutest hot pink nail polish today, was totally excited. Anyway, I am still washing clothes for the trip. I waited a little until that last minute because that's how I roll. lol

Wish You Were Here

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hottie of the Day

Today's Hottie of the Day is so delish there are no words...ok well I might find something to say, lol.

Hayden Christensen turned me into a huge Anakin Skywalker fan very quickly. He has beautiful eyes, gorgeous lips, and great hair. His voice is also a thing of beauty, he is just plain awesome.

Woo Hoo

Today is such a gorgeous day, my computer is working, my buddy is online...YAY! I spent the weekend getting in touch with my inner Xtina fan, now if only I could get the comp and MP3 player to coexist. Surely this problem will clear up soon, that's what the guy said, but then again he also told me to bring it back if the problem didn't disappear.
Today was a trying day at work, it was only 72 degrees but I swear the humidity was 200%. It was miserable and sweaty, the icing on the cake? Oh yes definitely that disgusting cat smell and the funky fridge...LOL and gag thanks. I love it when they leave me the full, putrid cat box. Not.

Wish u were here...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This damn comp

So I just had the crappiest week. My computer got a terrible sickness and had to go to the doctor. It was a week of boring without my sweet computer. I couldn't play any games, listen to music, or surf the net. It was awful and I am not glad to have it back, although there is a good chance that it has to go back on Monday. PLEASE GOD NO!! But whatever. I was hoping to run into my friend Jana while I was on this weekend but I haven't yet, sniff.

Peace folks

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Today will be the the new beginning of the HOTD, Hottie of the Day. I will try to post at least one every day (here's to hoping.)

Only one man can have the honor of the Inaugural HOTD, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince McMahon himself said that Steve was the greatest Superstar of all time and I couldn't agree more. His attitude and disregard for authority was refreshing. I could listen to the man talk forever, beautiful blue eyes and that bod...damn!


Greetings and welcome. This blog is, hopefully, going to be a place for me to let my imagination go wild. I will be posting entries about my day as well as fanfiction that I may feel the need to write. I have been stifling the inner me for far too long. Here is where I plan to put it all. My main obsession is WWE, I love it passionately! Stone Cold Steve Austin is the sun in my universe you may think that's lame, and you may even be right but do I give a crap...nope sure don't.
I am most often inspired by a gorgeous man, I love men. I love all kinds of men and I plan on sharing that on here as well.
I may be a grown woman but my inner teenager is screaming to be let out, life is too short, LOL.
